Dealing with Grief and Loss
Dealing with Grief and Loss
We are saddened by the great loss to our school community. It's never easy dealing with loss and it certainly can have an extended effect on students. Even if a student wasn't directly involved with the person who died, there can be a ripple effect that could trigger different emotions or behaviors. We would like to provide you with some tips and resources that might be helpful to you and your child.
Talking to our children about death and loss is difficult, especially when they have experienced the loss of a friend, classmate or teacher. Grief is complicated because children and adolescents are not always developmentally ready to understand or cope with the intense feelings of sadness. In addition to the loss, they may be challenged with the reality of mortality. It is important to understand that your child may be experiencing a variety of emotions regardless of their connection to the person.
One of the most important things you as a parent can do to help your child/teen cope with loss is to be a regulating presence. Listen and validate your child's feelings and allow them to take the lead in identifying their own needs. Stay connected and check in with them often.
Consider attending memorial services and/or activities with your child, again to help them regulate their emotions. Attending a funeral is emotionally overwhelming and your child needs you to help them manage intense emotions. For some, this may be their first experience with death and loss.
Maple Lake Schools Support Services
We are here to help and will make every effort to help you and your child as you need. Our school has a Crisis Intervention Team that is made up of professionals trained to help the needs of students, parents, and school personnel at difficult times such as this. We will have a support room available for students and staff. Our School Social Workers and School Counselor will continue to be available during the school day for any student who may need or want help or any assistance surrounding this loss. Below are some additional resources on grief and loss. You may contact their office with any questions or concerns:
Local Mental Health Services
- Allina Clinic: 763-
682- 5225 - Bridging Hope Counseling Services: 763-
291- 5505 - Central Minnesota Mental Health Center – Buffalo: 763-
682- 4400 - Central Minnesota Mental Health Center – Monticello: 763-
295- 4001 - Family Counseling Center: 763-
682- 5420 - Four County Crisis Response Team: 800-
635- 8008 (24- Hour Crisis Support) - Four County Crisis Response: 800-
635- 8008 or 320- 253- 5555 - TXT4LIFE -
Text "Life" to 61222
Other resources are located on the left side of this page. These resources can provide you further information and support.